Piedmont Airlines, IBT Reaches Agreement on Increased Dispatch Pay Scale and Bonuses

The International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) and Piedmont are very pleased to announce an increase in wages and retention bonuses for our Dispatch team, effective August 1. This change comes two years before the IBT Dispatch Collective Bargaining Agreement amendable date, and as the result of significant collaboration between union and company representatives.
“This is good news for our Dispatch team and good news for Piedmont,” said Scott Phillips, Dispatcher and IBT representative. “I am very pleased that we were able to find common ground quickly and make this change for a team that continues to deliver exceptional performance.”
“We would like to thank the IBT, and Scott specifically, for their willingness to come to the table and negotiate changes in the spirit of cooperation,” added Eddie Leverton, Piedmont’s Operational Control Center Director. “Changes included in this new Letter of Agreement will help us care for our team members and better attract and retain dispatchers at Piedmont.”
In addition to wage adjustments and retention, the IBT and Piedmont agreed to put a longevity credit in place to aid hiring of experienced dispatchers with Part 121 experience and to formalize a Dispatch training program that will help the company identify talented individuals and train them to become dispatchers. “This will help us build a pipeline and ensure we continue to have the people we need to support future growth,” added Eddie.
Highlights of the agreement include increased retention bonuses for active team members, including a $1,500 bonus paid every six months to “junior” dispatchers and $3,000 to “senior” dispatchers. This pay increase recognizes the excellent work the Dispatch team has done to collaborate across departments to deliver industry-leading results over a very difficult summer. Piedmont is now the regional leader in Dispatch pay and benefits.
Interested in becoming a dispatcher? Read more, here: https://piedmont-airlines.com/other-careers/operations/ or Apply today