Piedmont Airlines launches new Mission, Vision, and Values

In 2019, Piedmont Airlines established the company’s first mission and vision statements as a “roadmap” for how we run our operation, care for our team members, and communicate with each other. Since then, Piedmont has continued to evolve our mission and vision and added core values to better align with where our company is today and what we plan to achieve in our future.
“We know that our job as a wholly-owned subsidiary of American Airlines is to add value to the larger corporation which can be summed up in our updated mission statement,” shares Eric Morgan, Piedmont CEO. “As for our vision, we’ve been around for 62 years. We are at a time when the future is starting to take shape; our vision encapsulates what we want to do today that will position Piedmont to thrive forever. With the addition of establishing our values, the Piedmont that I know and have been a part of has always embodied those values but never put them into a formal statement.”
Add value to American Airlines by running a safe, reliable, profitable company.
Build Piedmont Airlines to thrive forever.
Caring, Compliance, Communication and Community
NEW Values
Hear our team members from various departments across the company share our refreshed mission and vision.