Piedmont has commitment to serving the 80 communities where we live and work. Join your coworkers for a volunteer event or create one of your own. The Piedmont Airlines community support your choice of involvement.

Piedmont Airlines Community Support
Piedmont was built on character and compassion. Our founder, Richard Henson, believed leaders should be role models who give time and talent to better their communities. In 1990, he created the Richard A. Henson Foundation to continue philanthropic force for education and entrepreneur-ism in Maryland. Mr. Henson’s spirit lives on in our team members who work to make their communities a better place to live.
Jet Pull
Piedmont Jet Pulls raise money for United Way organizations across the country. During the event, teams of ten compete to pull a Piedmont jet the fastest. Jet Pulls are held in September and October, so bragging rights are on the line.

Do Crew
The Do Crew offers all team members a chance to do good. Mountain climb to help the fight against cancer in Flagstaff, Arizona. Sort donated food at the Maryland Food Bank. You’ll find creative ways to give back to the community alongside friends and team members.